Course Info

At Courtroom Shield, we pride ourselves in preparing a witness for testimony literally from the ground up. This starts long before the witness answers the first question. Why? Because preparation is the key to success and a jury is evaluating everything they see and hear, from the color of your socks to the tone of your voice. Our interactive, full day presentation is filled with instructor led discussions of techniques that were developed by cops for cops. These important lessons are further refined by showing actual videos of witnesses in action and how well (or not so well) they perform. So, do you want to know how to be a confident and credible witness who is a master of compelling testimony? Here are some of the ways where we teach witnesses to excel:
Witness Credibility – without it you cannot succeed!
The importance of Preparation at all levels (daily habits, personal preparation, pre-trial preparation)
Having the right Attitude, what works and what does not
Demonstrating and preserving Integrity
Being a Relatable, human witness
Taking the Stand – learn a simple technique that provides structure, guidance and ease when testifying.
Direct examination – the spotlight is on you, don’t squander the opportunity!
Steps to correctly prepare yourself and the prosecutor
Common direct examination pitfalls
Free credibility points and unforced errors
Dealing with problems ahead of time
Cross examination – the spotlight is still on you; we will show you why!
Primary cross examination methods
How to defeat common tactics
Anticipating attacks and minimizing damage
Defensive Tactics – tools to thrive, not just survive, on the witness stand!
Breaking momentum
Taking control
Holding your ground
Please note this course is 8 hours in length.
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